
Art as a workshop

The production of urban spaces is the core of my artistic work. It includes planning as well as an approach to the city inhabitants and their surroundings. The city is the stage and venue of social issues.

In Berlin, I explore different living environments from Hellersdorf to Neukölln and research the influence of history, architecture and consumption on perception and behavior. In long-term projects, I develop specific forms of cooperation with local residents.

I often find materials for scultures in the city: clothing, tarpaulin, furniture remnants on the roadside.

The resulting objects and installations are composed in a collage-like manner and are reminiscent of the fragility of urban cohabitation. A conglomeration of materials changes the spatial sound, the change in the magnitude leads to a shift in perspective. The space becomes the staged stage and reflects the impact of the environment on our everyday perceptions.

My drawings and collages are transformative sketches, in which the relationship of color, form and texture is
tried out.

Seraphina Lenz, November 2016